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Indian Flying Fox (Indian Bat) Removal and Exclusion in NJ

Indian Flying Fox (Indian Bat)


The Indian Bat is very important to India’s ecosystem. They are great at dispensing seeds everywhere, they are great pollinators, and they are probably the best pest control specialists in India because they not only eat fruit but they also eat the pesky insects that torment people in India. All of these things make them a very vital part of India.


Indian Bats are also known by two other names such as, the Indian Flying Fox and the greater Indian fruit bat. They are the member of the Pteropodidae family. The Indian Bat is a nocturnal animal and this means that they mainly come out at night or just right before it gets dark.


Feeding Habits


Since they are called the greater Indian fruit bat they mainly eat ripe fruits, such as nectar, bananas, and mangoes. After they have licked the nectar from flowers and ate the ripe fruit they were seeking out, at dusk they will get rid of the waste that does the pollination and they also spread seeds for the flowers and the fruit plants and trees.


Where Indian Bats Live


The Indian Bat mainly lives in rain forests, swamps, and anywhere there is a large body of water in the countries where they live. These places are where they will find the most flowers, ripe fruits, and the insects that they feed on. The areas where they can be found are China, India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.


Reproduction Process


The Indian Bat’s reproduction period is only for a short four months, which is July through October. The baby bats or they are also referred to as “pups” between the months of February to May. The female bats are generally pregnant for 140 to 150 days before they give birth to their pups. The female bat averages about 1 to 2 pups when they give birth in one gestation period. The mother bats takes care of her pups by carrying them around for the first couple of weeks of their life and they start the weaning process around the fifth month of their existence. The male bats typically do not take any part in the parental care of the pups. A young Indian bat has the ability to learn to fly when they get about 11 weeks of age. The productive maturity of an Indian bat happens about at 1.5 to 2 years of age and then once they are able to do this they are able to take care of their selves.




Like most fruit bats and this include Indian Bats they contain several diseases and some of the groups of diseases include Coronavirus and Henipavirus. Studies have shown that these diseases can kill domestic animals and humans. There are some countries where they consider Indian Bats and other fruit bats a gourmet meal. South Pacific Islanders are one of the individuals that like to eat fruit bats. The only issue that with consuming these kinds of fruit bats have been found to get Lytico-Bodig disease, it is considered a to be like a combination of Parkinson’s disease and dementia.


Are Indian Bats in Danger?


As the world’s population gets bigger and bigger more of the swamp lands and the rain forests are either getting taken over by people or the trees are being cut down by people so that they can build roads, buildings, and other structures so that the ever growing population can live. As they do this they are forgetting about some of the animals that live in these areas such as the Indian Bat. When they cut down the trees and level out the lands in the swamps they are taking away places for the bats to live and also taking away their sources of food. Some bats live in trees and some of those trees that they are cutting down also contain their food. As they level the swamp lands and cut down the trees they are getting rid of the insects that live in the swamps and rainforests and they are getting rid of the fruit that the bats eat. When all of this happens the bats start to die away which starts to mess up the ecosystem.


Luckily for the bats there are conservation centers and zoos that take go in and save some of the existing bats by taking them in. They give them a place where they have a place to live and they give them fruit that they would have lost if they were to stay where they live. They also give them the change to reproduce so that their population doesn’t completely die off. The individuals at the conservation centers also take care of the wounded bats that may have been injured either while their homes were getting destroyed or the ones that got sick because their environment was slowly getting destroyed. Both the conservation centers and the zoos also give tours and another part of their job was to educate people on the bats on things such as what they eat, how long they live, when their production cycles starts and ends, and several other facts. They do all of this so that people can be informed on just how important these bats are to the ecosystem because of how they are the perfect pest control specialist and the fact that bats are really harmless to humans if they stay healthy and this means that people need to be better educated about them.



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